CECOM plans to hire 2,000 new employees by the time it moves to APG
Yesterday's Baltimore Sun had a good story on the massive hiring that will be happening in Maryland as the military moves its Fort Monmouth NJ operations to Aberdeen Proving Ground during the next three years. The story says :
The Communications-Electronics command (CECOM) is planning to hire 2,000 new employees by the time it moves to Aberdeen, the story said, with starting salaries ranging from $30,000 to $60,000, along with generous federal government fringe benefits.
If you're interested, it looks like you can apply for a job at CECOM here:
It looks like some people won't have to wait until 2010 -- The Examiner reports that 140 locals will be hired this summer.
Stacy....what a lot of people don't get with Government jobs is that they still have to fill out and supply ALL of the needed paperwork, KSA's and everything else on CPOL or USAJobs just to be considered. Unless you have a military background, your spouse is/was in the military, it can be somewhat difficult from the outside because those people will get the first bid on that job.
Normally in most cases there are 3 resume piles, people in the inside (Current/Former Govt or Military), people on the outside, and the reject pile.
It's not as easy as say email your resume to a job posting online. A lot of college grads are also looked at as well. Just keep in mind that stuff.
CECOM as well as other contractors are still (yes, still) planning on who's moving, when, what's available here office wise, and what position's are gonna be needed here. There are transition teams at APG, and more in the coming months. So things are definately happening. Expect things to pick up here within the next year or so.
In the meantime here's some news for ya....
Learn for defense to make BRAC work in Maryland
By Baltimore Examiner Newspapers 8/19/08
Thank our Government Accountability Office for a warning shot of reality last week. GAO projects worker shortfalls when 5,100 jobs move to Aberdeen Proving Ground in three years. Maryland must prove, right now, that won’t happen.
APG could be short 2,200 employees when the Fort Monmouth, N.J., jobs move here because surveys there indicate about half the employees say they will retire instead of moving. More than half of current employees will be eligible by then.
The Department of Defense noticed that eight years ago and began trying to prepare. It means Monmouth’s essential, technologically intense national security mission has a big problem no matter where it is.
Opponents of closing Monmouth seize upon this GAO report and distort it -- as they have others.
But everybody must face BRAC facts. Congress and the president created it to eliminate just such parochial, political and special interest meddling in allocation of our precious resources.
Consolidating at APG makes sense for a myriad reasons far outweighing the few against. This latest GAO report is a perfect example.
DOD knew a personnel problem loomed five years before any decision to consolidate at APG. Half these essential employees would be eligible for retirement BRAC or no BRAC. Relocation, at most, is but one small factor.
Our strategic question -- not just in this revealing case but throughout our defense establishment -- is whether we can anywhere in America produce personnel with the brains, fundamental knowledge and learning ability requisite to defense.
Core mission is the same as 50,000 years ago: Bringing effective force to bear over distance. But how we do that now requires more brain than brawn. Surely, the men and women who still must have the strength, courage and will to go kill human beings ultimately remain the cutting edge of our sword. But more and more of the blade backing them is forged from knowledge and intellect.
That modern alloy is weak and growing weaker. One key indicator: According to a report last year, as of 2005 China produced 9,427 engineering Ph.D.s. We graduated 7,333, but 60 percent of those were foreign nationals.
Maryland officials claim our education system can fill any Monmouth transfer shortfall. And they opened an office there to counter disinformation about quality of life in our state so more personnel will move.
But they must act decisively now to ensure from kindergarten through graduate schools we educate the citizens needed to defend us in this vortex of rapidly evolving modern warfare. Then send a message to headquarters in Washington demanding our entire nation fill the breach.
This latest GAO report reveals a bigger problem than a few thousand Fort Monmouth employees refusing to transfer. It is a warning shot through the weakest spot in our 21st Century defense shield.
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